Ms Christine Burns http://www.waltinstitute.com/

...as CEO and Co-Founder of WALT Institute, Christine brings her expertise as a former elite athlete, educator and performance coach to Authentic Leadership development. She specialises in creating high performing individuals and teams in education, sport and corporate arenas. Christine uses her theoretical qualifications in psychology and business management together with her coaching and leadership experience to inspire clients to build a strong, resilient mindset and always perform at their best!


Dr Elizabeth Pritchard http://www.waltinstitute.com/

… as Director and Co-Founder of WALT Institute, Elizabeth brings decades of coaching and leadership experience to help individuals’ step into their own Authentic power! As a health professional, researcher, and Leadership Coach, she combines her research with the practical science of Authentic Leadership. She is renowned for her ability to empower women in STEMM to believe they are enough! To stand out from the crowd, accomplish greatness and find a way forward - because you are worth it!  


60 Minute FREE LIVE Masterclass To Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking


Do the negative thoughts in your head stop you from achieving?


Your thoughts are the KEY to resilience, confidence, self-belief and accomplishments.


You will walk away with the following:


1. How to recognise the negative thoughts that trip you up


2. A step by step method for flipping this around to regain your confidence


3. A proven method to deal with toxic situations or people


4. Simple strategies to become more positive in your thinking and actions


What we say repeatedly to ourselves will eventually become our reality - if we focus on the thoughts and words that pull us down and diminish our self confidence then we will eventually struggle in many areas of our life.


When we continue to use negative self-talk, we are weakening our confidence and ability to step into the tasks we want to achieve. There is a way to turn this around!


We will explore how people in STEMM can instigate more optimistic thinking that increases your ability to regain control over situations and dramatically increase your confidence. This may be in the areas of speaking up in meetings, chairing successful meetings, completing interviews, creating powerful CV.s, giving engaging presentations, answering questions proficiently, or completing any task each day.




Because we want to enhance the leadership capabilities and well-being of all those who work in STEMM, and to enrich the life changing work you do for humanity.


With over 40 years combined experience in the industry, we know that now is the time to return to the basics, and embed the simple strategies that work.


Whether it be needing to be adaptable and flexible in the workplace, apply for different levels of funding, promote yourself in a different way during these challenging times, our self-talk and thinking patterns can either support us or pull us down. There is a way to turn the negative around and live life with more confidence, and self-belief!


We will show you how to create new thoughts patterns and habits that support our health, vitality and ability to contribute to humanity.


There is ALWAYS a way!


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