...as CEO and Co-Founder of WALT Institute, Christine brings her expertise as a former elite athlete, educator and performance coach to Authentic Leadership development. She specialises in creating high performing individuals and teams in education, sport and corporate arenas. Christine uses her theoretical qualifications in psychology and business management together with her coaching and leadership experience to inspire clients to build a strong, resilient mindset and always perform at their best!
… as Director and Co-Founder of WALT Institute, Elizabeth brings decades of coaching and leadership experience to help individuals’ step into their own Authentic power! As a health professional, researcher, and Leadership Coach, she combines her research with the practical science of Authentic Leadership. She is renowned for her ability to empower women in STEMM to believe they are enough! To stand out from the crowd, accomplish greatness and find a way forward - because you are worth it!
60 Minute FREE LIVE Webinar To Shatter Unconscious Bias
Are you struggling to navigate through the unconscious biases of other people?
Its tough to rise up when others talk or behave in a compromising way.
Stereotypes, judgements, exclusions from conversations or projects. What is behind this and how can we navigate through this in a positive way?
If you would like to be armed with the 3 secrets of how to steer through these scenarios and keep your integrity and power in place, join our next Masterclass...
You will walk away with the following:
1. Recognise the impact of unconscious bias (you are not alone)
2. Identify how to navigate through unconscious bias
3. Simple strategies to be empowered
Unconscious biases are everywhere. From the neighbourhood that we choose to live in, the friends we have, to the places we work in. We gather bits of information all day every day, process that information in a certain way unconsciously and format that into our beliefs about people, places, situations and events. Even if you think you do not do it, You do, we all do!
Gender, ethnicity, body size, profession, titles… the list goes on. It all influences the way we make sense of the world we live in.
We will explore how people in STEMM can recognise and regain control over their biases, adjust their perspective on life, and influence others for the greater good.
Because we want to enhance the mental health and well-being of all who work in STEMM, to enrich the life changing work you do for humanity.
With over 40 years combined experience in the industry, we know that now is the time to lead with unity, and embed the simple conscious strategies that work.
These uncertain times are calling for fairness, justice and equity. A tough call for all people in STEMM.
It is the duty of all women to stand together and stand tall to honour all those who have gone before us. All those who have fought for or against something to promote a better world.
All those males and females in the past, who put their reputations, jobs, and lives on the line for women to gain fairness, equity and justice.
It is the role of all humanity to step up and demand fairness.
It is the role of all humanity to step up and demand equity.
It is the role of all humanity to step up and demand justice. And it is the role of all people to remain steadfast in the pursuit of this.
The best way to face this is head on, and instigate the strategies that enable us ALL to rise!
By registering for this Webinar – you will also receive weekly inspirational blogs from WALT Institute.